Eco Circular India Foundation
“Empowering Lives, Nurturing Earth: Our Commitment to a Sustainable Tomorrow” : ECIF
Welcome to Eco Circular India foundation

Who we are

What we do

Flag ship programs
In model towns, careful consideration is given to factors like green spaces, energy-efficient buildings, efficient waste management, good infrastructure and accessible public services.
Our Vision
- To make urban and rural areas best places to live and work.
- To be innovative and pro-active to respond to global environmental challenges
Our Mission
- We shall work for sustainable development, nurture quality education, environment, improve public & social infrastructure
- Foster modern and sustainable development values and practices through bridging society and environment.
Our Approach
- We shall collaborate with stakeholders’, harness synergy, implement facts, research and solution oriented projects to realise our vision into reality.
- Undertake demo and pilot projects related energy, environment, education, women empowerment and public infra etc
Our Strategies
The Strategies employed by the Eco Circular India Foundation are multifaceted, encompassing a range of initiatives and approaches to achieve its mission.
Thrust areas
The state of the environment is a critical concern for the well-being of all living organisms, including humans.
Access to Quality Education: Ensuring equitable access to education for all, regardless of socioeconomic status, gender, or location.
Health and Sanitation
Healthcare Access: Improving access to healthcare services, especially in underserved areas, and promoting affordable and quality healthcare.
Employment Opportunities: Creating job opportunities and supporting entrepreneurship to enhance economic stability and reduce poverty.
Nutrition Programs: Implementing nutrition programs to combat malnutrition, especially among children and vulnerable populations.
Sustainable Urban and Rural Development
Sustainable urban and rural development is a holistic approach aimed at fostering economic growth, improving the quality of life,

Michael Johnson
Become an Eco Warrior
We’re building a community of eco-conscious individuals who want to make a positive impact on the world. Join our green team and engage in meaningful activities that promote sustainability. From organizing awareness campaigns to participating in eco-friendly events, your involvement can shape a brighter future.
Our Commitment to a Greener Tomorrow
At ECO CIRCULAR INDIA FOUNDATION, we are driven by our unwavering commitment to creating a more sustainable and eco-conscious future for all. Explore our initiatives and join us on our journey towards a greener tomorrow.